Condenser Solutions

The condenser is a highly sensitive element of and most valuable for the efficiency of a power plant. plastocor® technology provides solutions that help prevent and repair damage to the tube sheet, tube ends and the entire tube length.

Damage on Tube Sheets

plastocor® Cladding System for Tube Sheets Tubesheet corrosion is generally caused by dissimilarities between higher alloy, more noble tube material, and the tubesheet metal. This situation is becoming more and more prevalent as high - stainless steel and titanium tubes are being retrofitted into older condensers and heat exchangers.

Damage on Tube Ends

plastocor® Inlet System for Tube Ends Inlet and Outlet Side Copper based alloys may erode within the first foot or so of the inlet end. Other tube materials may deteriorate because of galvanic or microbiological issues. Inlet - ends erosion is generally due to turbulence present at the tube inlet before laminar flow is established.

Damaged Tube To Tubesheet joints

Black-trips, water hammer or partial blockage of a tube sheet are the most common sources of stress to the tube-to-tube-sheet joint. Small "joint leaks" usually result. These leaks can be very difficult to locate. By combining the cladding and inlet system, all of the tube joints are permanently sealed and 1000 kg of joint strength is added.

Damaged Tubes entire length

plastocor® Tube Lining System for the Entire Tube Length The tubes used in steam condensers and heat exchangers are selected such that they will provide many years of reliable service. Reliable service generally consists of being leak free with acceptable heat transfer properties.

« The coating of tube inlets to over 6–8 times their diameter has proven a true taper transition that does not promote turbulence and further erosion-corrosion damage, a problem found with true metal or plastic inserts. »
Mattew Knox ,
Bruce Woodruff, JPCL
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